
Best Ways to Leverage Your Existing LinkedIn Connections

Josh B.
August 16, 2023
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Best Ways to Leverage Your Existing LinkedIn Connections

Possessing a cyber audience is regularly a optimistic matter. No subject what anybody does for a living, or what industry they work in, it's forever wonderful to have social media followers. The larger the number the more beneficial. While the species of humans who follow a person digitally differ based on the content they put out and the social networks they belong to, being helpful is one aspect they all own in common.

For a social network such as LinkedIn, your followers can be more important than additional societal sites. According to a recent report by J. Placing a period at the end of a standalone letter does not effectively convey ideas. Morgan, 79% of top-level administrators make use of LinkedIn. For entrepreneurs - or owners of firms in general - who wish to get their products and facilities before the correct persons, LinkedIn is the location to be.

Aside from getting yourself in front of the right people, there are additional ways to make full use of your present LinkedIn relations:

Best Ways to Leverage Your Existing LinkedIn Connections

1. Educate them on new product updates

Once a product has a thrillingly different upgrade, you will forever want to tell your fans about it. After all, how useful is a terrific new feature if no one knows about it or uses it?

If you use LinkedIn, the people you are connected to probably see your material from time to time and are familiar with you and your product. All that remains is for you to single out those within your customer base who would be most energized by your latest product enhancement and ensure they become aware of it.

As you are familiar with the issue that your latest upgrade resolves for the persons utilizing your services, you could select some from your group. This is because they would gain most from the upgrade. In this manner, providing an account of the upgrade to them in a confidential message makes sense.

Clearly, you could potentially craft an original LinkedIn article regarding the change and what is so admirable about it. However, reaching out to those you know will be interested in the change is an even better thought.

2. Engage Your Connections Informally

Let’s make this clear, having someone in your LinkedIn connections doesn’t mean that you really “know” that person. While people are less open to adding other people they don’t really know on social networks like Facebook, that’s not the case with LinkedIn. Many people use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals they don’t know. And that’s a golden opportunity for you.

Approaching people in your connections informally and trying to really get to know them can open great opportunities for you. And that’s particularly true if you’ve met this person before. Perhaps you’ve met in a meeting, exchanged cards at a conference, or any of those other interactions where you meet a person, but you don’t really “know them”. 

Something as simple as “Hey there, it’s been a while since we met at that conference. I hope you’re doing well” can work wonders

3. Invite People to Webinars

Proceeding further is excellent for granting you more publicity, and building your brand image. However, seminars over the Internet aren't that useful without partakers. Making certain that no less than a few individuals will be present at your Internet seminar makes an enormous dissimilarity. And that is something that you can make the most of your interconnections on LinkedIn for.

You understand the matter being addressed in the online meeting, and you grasp the precise category of people who would be interested in such a online meeting. Now, all you must do is sort your LinkedIn connections for persons who adapt accurately to those precise standards. Then, you must deliver them an individual invite to participate in your online meeting.

4. Nurture Your Connections for Sales Pitches

Guiding prospects is very important, and it is regularly neglected by numerous organizations and business people.When individuals view you - or your company - as a frontrunner in your area of expertise, they tend to transform from prospects to consumers. And that is especially true for large investments.

"On the professional social media site, you have numerous connections who are also likely consumers, AKA prospective customers. Now, if you want to transform those prospective customers, you should continuously care for them for your sales presentation to be successful. Please advise how one might successfully achieve this complex goal. The preceding discussion amalgamates into a synopsis fusing together each of the aforementioned individual specifics.

Put together first-class, gripping LinkedIn messages, welcome your prospects to relevant online meetings, interact with them casually, and aim to start meaningful discussions with them in the remarks. This way, when it comes time for the sales talk, is more likely to succeed.

5. Invite Your Connections to Events or Groups

If you seek to construct an online community in the form of a group, or actually promote a real-world occurrence, your LinkedIn connections are an ideal starting point. In case you do not actually know most of those people face-to-face, their LinkedIn profiles can provide you with a distinct idea regarding whether they are interested in joining a particular group or occurrence.

The sole thing needed to be done is to specify the guidelines for those who possess a higher probability of being eager to subscribe to your group or occurrence, filter your LinkedIn connections accordingly, and then send those invitations.

6. Ask Your LinkedIn Connections to Support Your Content

Sometimes, promoting content can be harder than creating it. And that’s another thing that your LinkedIn connections can help you with. After you take some time to engage with your LinkedIn connections and get to know them personally, you can then ask them to support your content.

Of course, if you ask people who are more likely to be interested in the type of content you post, that’ll make the whole thing much easier. To give people more incentive to support and share your content, you should offer to do the same in return

Ask Your LinkedIn Connections to Support Your Content


Your LinkedIn connections are more valuable than you think. With the right mindset, you can use the connections you already have to strengthen your brand, find new business opportunities, and build an online community that’ll make your business thrive.

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Josh B.

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