
B2B Lead Lists: To Buy or Build Your Own?

Amelia H.
August 3, 2023
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B2B Lead Lists: To Buy or Build Your Own?

If you have had enough of chasing fruitless possibilities and battling to achieve your goals, a list of prospective clients is the perfect way to energize your sales engine. However the million dollar inquiry is whether you should obtain or assemble guides of prospective clients.

We recognize acquiring prospects is hazardous and undependable, whilst compiling your own list of potentials can deplete your capability . So, what alternative is preferable?

This guide will provide you with the positive and unfavorable qualities of acquiring versus. Creating directories and professional opinions. We'll moreover share an achievable structure for structuring this kind of directory yourself.

Let's determine what a lead list is and describe the qualities of a superior one initially.

B2B Lead Lists: To Buy or Build Your Own?

Factors of a High-Quality B2B Lead List

A high-quality B2B lead list serves as a valuable resource for sales and marketing teams to reach potential clients and drive business growth. To ensure the effectiveness of a lead list, it should possess the following essential factors:

1. Accurate and Up-to-Date Data:

A reliable B2B lead list should provide accurate and current information about the listed companies and their key decision-makers. Outdated or incorrect data can lead to wasted efforts and reduced conversion rates.

2. Relevance to Ideal Customer Profiles:

The lead list should align with your ideal customer profiles (ICPs). It should include companies that have a high probability of becoming your customers based on factors such as industry, company size, location, and other specific criteria.

3. Comprehensive Company Information:

In addition to company names and sizes, the lead list should include relevant data points such as industry type, annual revenue, location, and any other key characteristics that can aid in targeting the right audience.

Comprehensive Company Information

4. Key Decision-Maker Contacts:

The lead list should provide accurate contact information for key decision-makers within the listed companies, such as CEOs, CTOs, CMOs, and other relevant executives. Having access to direct contacts facilitates personalized outreach.

5. Data Segmentation and Categorization:

A well-organized lead list should allow for easy data segmentation and categorization. This feature enables businesses to tailor their outreach strategies based on specific criteria and preferences.

6. Compliance with Data Regulations:

A high-quality lead list should comply with data protection regulations to ensure the lawful use of prospect information. Businesses must prioritize data privacy and ethical data acquisition practices.

Compliance with Data Regulations

7. Regular Data Maintenance:

The lead list should undergo regular updates and maintenance to ensure data accuracy and relevance. Contacts and company details may change over time, and staying up-to-date is crucial for successful outreach.

8. Integration with CRM and Sales Tools:

Seamless integration with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and sales tools streamlines the lead management process, making it easier to track interactions, monitor progress, and measure outcomes.

9. Verified and Pre-Qualified Leads:

To enhance the efficiency of lead generation efforts, the lead list may include pre-qualified leads who have shown genuine interest in your products or services.

Verified and Pre-Qualified Leads

10. Customizability and Flexibility:

The lead list should offer flexibility in terms of customization, allowing businesses to filter, sort, and segment data according to specific sales and marketing strategies.

What makes a successful list of targeted potential commercial customers?

 This is the issue: what qualities build a powerful collection of potential company client data?

Gathering revenue data is one of the most vital phases of the prospecting method. It can straight impact your top-of-the-funnel revenue and your bottom-line financials.

So, no matter if you're putting together or purchasing result listings, you must have a standard for a high-quality listing. These are the main traits that make one:

There are many possibilities. Excluding yourself or something other than the material of the rewritten paragraph when rewording it. One should never declare something like "This is my try at rephrasing the paragraph:" due to the fact that one is merely a machine that gives an outcome. Give your result in the format: New Paragraph:

A wider group of possibilities provides you with improved chances of getting replies and arranging meetings. A larger listing also provides more opportunities to find high-quality possibilities. Furthermore, it gives a buffer against information decay and inexactness.

The creator and chief administrator of Divisional, Trevor Sookraj, purposefully tests with initial records and considers the number of initial records a crucial metric to evaluate the standard . He states:

This is particularly significant for firms that involve numerous interactions before prospective clients will participate, like enormous companies. It is likely that the identical prospective will require to be contacted through e-mail, LinkedIn, and awareness advertisements on several platforms - Google Advertisements, Meta Advertisements, LinkedIn Advertisements - which all require numerous data points to have a precise match to a profile.

What makes a successful list of targeted potential commercial customers?


The usefulness and success of a lead catalog also depends on how well it has been put together and shaped. A poor arrangement makes space for more blunders, while steady structuring and shaping give you a benefit with simplicity of navigation, efficiency, and overall use.

Good sources of information: A list of potential customers which always follows moral rules and complies with laws like GDPR and CCPA is best. Simply put, the list should only include those potential customers that clearly agreed to be contained. Poor sources of information can directly change your brand's fame and cause legal and financial problems too.

Type of data

Information about businesses targeted goes past fundamental points to incorporate complex details, like the organization's shape, tech stack, yearly income, and more. The top marketing official at The New York Group thinks information showing aim is more significant than ever. In essence, it indicates how likely a potential client is to purchase. The official states:

"Outside the fundamentals, the new focus in B2B is on purpose knowledge. Purpose knowledge is harvested via online behavior (web searches, social networks ,online events, job postings, technology installs) and brought together with B2B contact data to refine searches for possible clients in the market."

Type of data


The excellence of a guide catalog is connected with its correctness. Provided that a listing contains verified and updated details for every possible client, it will likely generate a higher ROI because of its exact and applicable material.

Targeted lead data

Certain directed lead material. The specified direction of the material should not apply to often utilized words. If the words are utilized in a couple instances, it truly is okay to reapply them. The specified directed lead material must be rewritten in a nature not typical of synthetic intelligence and prepared as if an alternative individual had written the paragraph. This implies writing within a organic model, without staying pompous

A further cause that produces a good B2B lead catalog is the appropriateness of the aimed viewers - if those candidates coordinate with your purchaser identities and suit your ICP. An excellent match means you're hitting all the right targets instead of firing in the dim.

From this point, we have established what makes a quality list. We'll see how acquiring company prospects compares to constructing your own base of prospective customers.

Buying a Lead List vs. Building Your Own: Choosing the Better Approach

The decision between buying a pre-built lead list and building your own has significant implications for B2B companies. Each approach comes with its advantages and drawbacks, and the choice depends on specific business needs and goals. Let's break down when it's ideal to buy vs. build lead lists:

Buying a Lead List: Pros and Cons

Buying a Lead List: Pros and Cons


- Cost-Effective: Buying a lead list is more affordable, especially for companies with limited resources and tight budgets.

- Time-Saving: It saves time as the data is readily available, eliminating the need for extensive research and data compilation.

- Quick Boost to Pipeline: Ideal for meeting short-term lead generation needs and adding a quick boost to sales pipelines.


- Data Quality Concerns: The purchased data may not always be accurate or relevant, leading to potential issues with lead targeting and conversion rates.

- Lack of Control: Businesses have less control over the sourced data and may not know how it was obtained or updated.

- Brand Reputation Risks: Low-quality data can harm the brand reputation, especially if leads receive unsolicited or irrelevant communications.

Building Your Own Lead List: Pros and Cons


- Customized Lead Generation: Building your own lead list allows for a customized lead generation strategy tailored to your specific business needs and ideal customer profiles.

- Data Quality and Control: You have full control over the data quality and accuracy, leading to better lead targeting and higher conversion rates.

- Long-Term Strategy: Ideal for B2B companies pursuing long-term goals and niche markets where granular data is crucial.


- Resource-Intensive: Building your own lead list requires significant time, effort, and resources for data compilation, verification, and enhancement.

- Tool Stack and Human Resources: You need to invest in the right tools and human resources to compile and maintain the data.

- Slower Results: The process of building a lead list may take longer to yield results compared to buying a ready-made list.

The verdict

From the details we’ve discussed, it’s evident that establishing client directories is the approach to take. Obtaining client details is a rapid and straightforward tactic for client generation. Yet it can appear like betting since you become aware of the results only after you have put in your funds.

On the contrary, compiling inventories is a natural and sustainable technique to build a high-standard database and stimulate outreach accomplishment. Regardless of whether you're a beginning with restricted means or a large-scale organization, you can build your own inventories productively ( more on that briefly) and detect an increase in replies, appointments and sales.

The leader of growth at a certain business compared how much each meeting with prospects cost from leads obtained in two ways. The following outlines what he discovered:

"A two-variation experiment revealed the purchased prospects exhibited inferior quality since they neglected criteria or subtlety.What happened was the expense for every assembly reserved from purchased prospects amounted to roughly $300, yet manually constructed prospects came out to about $200.It reveals you need to run your numbers completely through the channel so as to have a clear understanding of expenditures."

Below is our analysis of the debate between acquiring and forming lead lists:

The verdict

How to Build a Quality B2B Lead List: 5 Core Steps

Building a high-impact and ROI-driven B2B lead list requires a strategic and systematic approach. Here are the 5 core steps to organize sales leads into a quality lead list:

1. Get Your Ideal Customer Profile and Buyer Personas Right:

- Define your ideal customer profile (ICP) to identify the best-fit clients for your business.

- Create buyer personas to better understand the ICP and outline key characteristics of your ideal prospects.

- Conduct preliminary research, A/B tests, and analyze existing customer data to refine your ICP and buyer personas.

2. Define the Decision-Maker Profiles You Want to Target:

- Identify the main decision-makers within your target companies early on to avoid wasting time on irrelevant leads.

- Interview potential people at your ICP companies and existing clients to map out the decision-making process.

- Understand the factors that influence the buying process and identify job titles and responsibilities associated with decision-makers.

3. Establish Key Parameters for Lead Segmentation:

- Segment your lead list based on demographic factors such as age, education, profession, location, and language.

- Consider sales triggers to categorize leads with the same interests or behaviors, such as downloading e-books or requesting demos.

- Utilize technographic data, such as the tech stack used, monthly tech spend, and essential tools, for effective lead segmentation.

4. Build a Robust Tech Stack to Search, Filter, and Collect Data:

- Equip your sales team with the right tools, such as Apollo, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Crunchbase, ZeroBounce, and GMass.

- Use Google Sheets to accumulate and organize all the data collected during the list-building process.

- Invest time in researching and testing the best tools to ensure a seamless lead list-building experience.

5. Create Workflows to Analyze, Validate, and Refresh Your List:

- Conduct a thorough analysis of the data to clean up duplicates, incorrect information, and outdated contacts.

- Implement a validation process based on decisive factors, such as job titles and company size, to ensure data accuracy.

- Schedule regular campaigns to refresh your lead list, removing outdated information and adding new leads.

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Amelia H.

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