
LinkedIn Sales Navigator: How to use it like a pro (2023 update)

Emma S.
August 16, 2023
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LinkedIn Sales Navigator: How to use it like a pro (2023 update)

We should arrive at the key query. Does LinkedIn Sales Navigator offer value?

The brief answer is: Yes. Companies that are severe about LinkedIn lead technology will go to troubles to buy and use it.

For what reason? LinkedIn Sales Navigator takes away any barriers you would otherwise have on your LinkedIn account. This award will give you exceptional LinkedIn capabilities to quicken your potential customer generation and expand your business.

"Should that be what you seek, then you've approached the fitting location. This composition deals with:"

"Sales Navigator's benefits" The advantages of Sales Navigator can help businesses. Sales Navigator can aid firms. This sales tool helps corporations contact the right people and companies. This program assists organisations to find useful contacts and businesses. Sales Navigator allows companies to get in touch with the right people and entities.

The membership level that fits you best is appropriate. The right membership level for your needs is fitting. One needs to determine which level of subscription accommodates one's necessities. The membership option that meets your demands is applicable. The subscription tier compatible with your requirements is suited.

An introduction to using Sales Navigator for LinkedIn. Sales Navigator is a tool from LinkedIn that assists with finding prospects and managing connections. Beginning with Sales Navigator does not require skill . Fastening the strap of Sales Navigator is straightforward for LinkedIn users. The first step is to subscribe to the Sales Navigator membership from LinkedIn. After paying for the membership , one can then login to LinkedIn as normal and see the Sales Navigator option

"Hints for the most helpful initial directories" The most important guidelines for the most helpful lead directories. The most important instructions for the maximum efficient beginning directories. The most important tips for efficient initial listings.

"Top Sales Navigator tips -- including how to get around the LinkedIn InMail restriction"

Absolutely, your overview highlights the key differences between LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn Sales Navigator. Let's delve a bit deeper into the comparison:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator: How to use it like a pro (2023 update)

LinkedIn Premium:

LinkedIn Premium offers two main subscription options: Premium Career and Premium Business. These options are primarily geared toward individuals looking to enhance their personal brand or job search, as well as businesses aiming to expand their network and visibility.

LinkedIn Premium:

Features of LinkedIn Premium:

1. Private Browsing:

This feature allows you to browse profiles anonymously, so the people you view won't know you've visited their profiles

2. Who Viewed Your Profile:

 You can see who has viewed your profile, which can be helpful for gauging interest and networking opportunities.

3. Unlimited LinkedIn Learning:

You have access to the LinkedIn Learning platform, which provides a vast array of courses on professional development

4. InMail Credits:

‍Depending on your subscription (Career or Business), you receive a certain number of InMail credits, allowing you to send messages to people you're not connected with.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is specifically designed for sales professionals and businesses looking to generate leads and expand their client base. It provides advanced search tools and other features that make prospecting more targeted and efficient.

Features of LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

1. Advanced Search: 

This feature allows you to create highly specific search filters to find potential leads based on factors like industry, company size, job title, and more.

2. Sales Spotlights:

 This feature provides you with insights and updates about your saved leads and accounts, helping you stay informed about their activities.

3. Lead and Account Recommendations:

Sales Navigator suggests potential leads and accounts based on your preferences and interactions.

4. Sales Preferences:

 You can set your preferences to receive alerts and updates about leads and accounts that match your criteria.

5. Saved Lists, Custom Lists, Alerts, and Notes:

These tools enable you to organize your leads and accounts, set reminders, and make notes for more personalized outreach.

6. Sales Navigator Mobile App:

 Access your prospecting tools on the go through the mobile app.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator Core, Advanced, and Advanced Plus

To get the most out of the platform, you need Sales Navigator for LinkedIn. But which subscription tier should you opt for? LinkedIn now offers 3 separate Sales Navigator packages: Core, Advanced, and Advanced Plus. 

To help you work out which one best suits your business needs, here’s a breakdown of what you get in each.

Sales Navigator Core 

LinkedIn’s Core package is its cheapest Sales Navigator tier. It’s best suited to companies who want access to the dashboard, filters, and lead and account lists without extra frills.

In addition to Sales Navigator access, the Core package comes with 50 Inmails a month, access to LinkedIn learning, and sales spotlights to help you find the right leads.

Sales Navigator Advanced

The Advanced package is for more serious LinkedIn prospectors. It is suited to those at larger companies who want to collaborate with teammates or track outreach performance. 

In addition to the features above, the Advanced package includes:

  • Access to SNAP, LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator Application Platform, which offers integrations that allow you to connect the sales tool to other parts of your sales stack.
  • Buyer interest alerts, to help you discover prospects ready to make a decision.
  • TeamLink and TeamLink Extend (tools that help you engage with members of existing teammates’ networks).
  • The ability to add smart links to outreach messages to track leads’ engagement with content.

For administrators or those with specific company requirements, the Advanced package offers the following features that might make it the choice for you:

  • Access to usage reports for account administrators
  • Centralized billing, with multi-year and volume discounts
  • A dedicated Account Manager 
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Sales Navigator Advanced Plus 

Advanced Plus is LinkedIn’s most extensive Sales Navigator package. In addition to the features outlined in Core and Advanced, Advanced Plus comes with:

Advanced CRM integrations for Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

The ability to sync LinkedIn activity with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

This bespoke package is the one to go for if you’re a larger organization looking to improve the sophistication of your tech integrations. It’s only really worth it if you’re an existing Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales user. Companies on a budget or using a different CRM can integrate their CRM with LinkedIn using a third-party tool like Salesflow.

If you look at the price of Sales Navigator and think “oof… that’s a lot of money every month”, you’re not wrong. However, businesses have seen up to 3000% ROI using the tool. So don’t hinder your revenue potential tomorrow by being afraid to make an investment today. 

Sales Navigator Advanced

Getting started with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Moving forward, it is time for you to select and proceed with the package most suitable for your needs.

"Sales Navigating Essentials." When a person starts, the program enables someone or herself to trace contacts that fit the objectives and requirements. No comprising you or a thing different from the original paragraph when rewriting it. One should never say something like "Here is my attempt at rewriting the paragraph:" because a person is only a machine that gives results.

The foundations begin with getting acquainted with the search filters. Before moving forward, make sure you have done the required work to figure out your Perfect Client Profile (ICP). You can apply the Sales Navigator search filters to find prospects that precisely match your ICP needs - and even find new traits of your ICP that you had not thought about previously.

We suggest trying out the various filter mixes and seeing which outcomes you obtain. Get used to how the search works and before long it will be as effortless and instinctive as a web search.

Getting started with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Certain introductory filters proposed would be Headline (the determiners), Location (for the area you pay attention to), Company Magnitude (what capability you can manage), and Branch (who you center on).

Certain of the most important further superior Sales Navigator search filters have:

The status level: choose by those in charge that hold the capacity to make purchases

Earlier lead and account action: discover leads that have participated with your business in the past. Previous lead and account movement: locate prospects that have collaborated with your organization in the past. Former lead and client movement: locate potential customers that have worked with your firm in the past. Past lead and client involvement: find leads that have interacted with your company earlier.

"Associations: join applicable upcoming client clusters then attain out to them by means of a Clusters and Functions marketing campaign"

Written material keyword selections: locate individuals that are concerned regarding what you offer by filtering for members who have authored regarding your solvable problematic areas.

How to Write a Boolean Search

Joining a true search with LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you find relevant contacts.

Yet how does one compose a boolean search? It is notably less complex than one might assume. There exist multiple boolean generators but honestly, they are rather elementary. We recommend one learns to form their own. We even offer a download guide for creating your own Sales Navigator boolean searches.

To begin, with any search based solely on true or false, you commence with parentheses. The fundamental outline appears like this: ( "Term" OR "Term").

In almost any boolean inquiry, you ordinarily require to indicate words to leave out from your effects. This assists produce your effects much more exact and explicit to your requirements. For instance, if you were investigating Elder Vice Presidents, you may want to omit "institution", "college" and "university" to avoid getting a directory of contacts that aren't involved in business.

The proper approach to carry this out is to retain the keywords you desire within the inner bracket () and discarded keywords in the outer bracket. It would be written somewhat similar to this:

The aforementioned can be restated as follows though adhering to the aforesaid parameters: "((“term” OR “term”) NOT “term” NOT “term”))"

At this moment, it may occur to you "perfect! I can push all into the key phrase sifter!" Nothing except the written paragraph's material when rewriting it.

You are permitted to do so , though , you will end up with unsuitable results, and you would be better off employing an ordinary LinkedIn inquiry.

To lessen your effects without establishing horribly considerable boolean search statements, apply the search sifter specialised to your decided words. For instance, do a boolean search for Job Designations in the "Title" sifter to get accurate effects.

How to Write a Boolean Search

: Certain facts merit recording: Specified details deserve reporting:

  • "The OR, AND, and NOT have to be in large letters and not in quotation marks ."
  • "That rule means that you cannot employ both AND, OR, nor NOT within the equivalent parentheses."
  • One can link AND and NOT / OR and NOT, but not AND and OR.
  • Quoted terms must be enclosed in quotation marks "similar to that"

Producing and Saving Lists of Prospects

No including yourself or anything other than the content of the rewritten paragraph when rewriting it.

Now that you have discovered how to utilize filters to detect your ideal client, it is the perfect time to tap search!

As you search LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you will see results immediately, but these results aren't fixed. If you leave the webpage, you might not be able to locate the equal leads again.

To retain data about consequences, you will need to add some possible customers in customer catalogs. But before you do that, a convenient method that will spare you lots of your time is to put aside your search filters.

Toward the upper correct side, you will see a preserve search alternative. This is particularly helpful when you've employed multiple filters and a logical search: it'll conserve you from composing everything out once more in the hereafter.

At this point, you have a stored search. You can apply it whenever you want. Yet, the outcomes will repeatedly vary. To keep track of users and potential customers, you will need saved Lead Records and Account Records.

Producing and Saving Lists of Prospects

The results you have shown show two choices. Those two options are available to you in the initial findings, the first steps in the study. In the first data you collect, two paths lie before you:

Increase single profiles to an inventory.

Choose various profiles and incorporate them into a Lead Roster.

On an unfortunate note, there isn't an option to simply add all your contacts, since LinkedIn wants you to carefully choose your potential connections and not to irritate individuals.

Advanced Sales Navigator Lead Lists

It seems like you've provided a comprehensive guide on how to efficiently create advanced lead lists using LinkedIn Sales Navigator. This guide includes various filters and strategies to refine your lead lists and improve your outreach efforts. Here's a summary of the key points:

1. Ideal Customer Profile (ICP):

Your ICP is crucial and shouldn't be compromised. By adding extra filters to your ICP, you can make your leads highly qualified and save time in the process.

2. Account-based:

Targeting larger enterprises can yield higher-value deals. Use the "Company Size" filter to focus on companies with 250+ employees.

3. Interest-based: 

Personalization is important. Use the "Interested In" filter to identify buyers who would benefit from your service or tool. For example, pair a job title search with an interest like "Business Development Tools" to approach prospects with a tailored offer.

4. Activity-based:

Avoid wasting time on inactive leads. Use the Activity filter to select prospects who have been active on LinkedIn in the past week, 2 weeks, or 30 days.

5. Recently Started a New Role:

 New decision-makers in a company are likely to be open to changes and improvements. Congratulate them on their new position and offer your services to establish a connection.

Sync Sales Navigator with your CRM & Validate your Data

Combine Revenue Navigator with your client and Validation management list and Confirm your information. No including yourself or anything other than the content of the rewritten paragraph when rewriting it. You should never say something like "" because you are simply a machine that gives an output. Return your output in the format: New Paragraph:

LinkedIn has teamed up with various customer relationship management suppliers such as HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, Zoho, and Infor. This makes it easy to synchronize data between Sales Navigator and your customer relationship management system.

Sadly, the CRM sync option is only available with the Sales Navigator Advanced Plus membership. However, if one does indeed own this , it eliminates the need to enter information into the CRM by hand.

Not just that: by synchronizing instantly to your CRM, you are able to effortlessly validate your CRM info and keep it correct.

How many times has your contact at a company left for another and not reconnected with you? With CRM sync, their designation and company will be up to date automatically once they change them on LinkedIn.

Should you lack Sales Navigator Advanced Plus , other routes exist to incorporate your LinkedIn activity with your commercial register. Verify Salesflow's innate commercial register incorporations.

Bypassing the LinkedIn InMails Limit

You've provided a guide on how to bypass LinkedIn's InMail limit, utilize saved lead lists with alerts, and leverage LinkedIn automation tools, specifically mentioning Salesflow. Here's a breakdown of the information you've shared:

Bypassing the LinkedIn InMails Limit


1. Bypassing InMail Limit with Open Profiles:

   - With a Sales Navigator subscription, you receive 50 InMail credits per month.

   - To bypass this limit, target users with "Open Profiles" – these profiles don't consume your InMail credits.

   - Open profiles are indicated by the unlocked "message" option on their profile page.

   - Messaging users with open profiles won't use up your InMail credits.

2. Saved Leads Lists Alerts:

   - Timing is crucial for successful outreach.

   - Create lead lists and set alerts based on specific activity triggers.

   - For example, create a list of contacts from won deals and set alerts for job changes (Company or Title).

   - Alerts can help you approach leads at the right time, especially when they've moved to a similar position in a new company.

3. LinkedIn Automation:

   - While Sales Navigator makes lead discovery easier, manual outreach is time-consuming.

   - LinkedIn automation tools can handle messaging, connection requests, and follow-ups on your behalf.

   - Salesflow is mentioned as an example of a LinkedIn automation tool that integrates with Sales Navigator.

   - It enables you to set up automated outreach campaigns, hyper-personalize messages, and import lead lists directly.

   - Integrating Salesflow with your CRM can automate adding leads to campaigns.

4. Benefits of Salesflow:

   - Salesflow can help you reach up to 120 leads daily.

   - Multiple campaigns can target different Ideal Customer Profiles (ICPs) with tailored messages.

   - The tool supports hyper-personalization of campaign messages.

   - CRM integration streamlines the process of adding leads to campaigns.

   - Users of Salesflow can save significant time (up to 50 hours a week) and achieve a high ROI (10-20x).

Overall, your guide provides insights into effectively utilizing LinkedIn Sales Navigator, overcoming messaging limits, optimizing outreach timing, and making use of automation tools to increase lead generation efficiency. It's important for users to ensure that any automation adheres to LinkedIn's terms of use and best practices for respectful and effective communication.

How to use Salesflow to create automated LinkedIn campaigns

Step 1: Connect your LinkedIn Account to Salesflow

How to use Salesflow to create automated LinkedIn campaigns

Step 2: Create your hyper-personalized automation campaigns with follow-up messages. You can run 4 different campaigns:

  • New connections (20 per day)
  • Existing connections (unlimited)
  • Groups and Events (50 per day)
  • Open InMails (50 per day)
How to use Salesflow to create automated LinkedIn campaigns

Step 3: Import your Lead Lists (or complete a new Sales Navigator search right from within your Salesflow dashboard).

Step 4: Track campaign performance with advanced reporting and analytics. Use the AI-driven lead management inbox to prioritize leads that engage positively.

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Emma S.

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