
Jonah Berger’s 6 “STEPPS” to Viral Success

Amelia H.
August 11, 2023
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Jonah Berger’s 6 “STEPPS” to Viral Success

Why are images of your feline preferred over yours on the web? For what reason do 10% of Internet searches seek Donald Trump? For what reason does the book that is the subject of this portion of the website, "Infectious: Why Things Catch On", show up third in the Google search results when you look at the word "contagious"?

Jonah Berger’s 6 “STEPPS” to Viral Success

You may assume the text divulges the mysteries of causing the goods to go viral, and it truly performs. The publisher, a professional on selling and a teacher from the University of Pennsylvania, discusses the notions and qualities that cause items and names, individual and differently, to develop so very well-liked and communicable.

As Berger explains, whose knowledge lies in Word of Mouth, only 6 STEPS can guide you to triumph with your trend or goods

Social Currency

The drive for acceptance and value from others is an inherent human want. Many strive for a particular "social currency" amongst their peers and community which leads them to perform certain activities and make specific choices. Individuals often seek after some form of social worth that is recognized and accepted by the wider group in order to feel a sense of belongingness and connection.

Berger stresses that it is hugely worthwhile to make your material shareable. With everyone spreading it across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Tumblr, and other social networking sites, it endures in a permanent and long-lasting manner. In other words, this data becomes accepted among individuals.

More than that, it proves to be the root of sway. The latter can be achieved by making a certain secret. Social Currency likewise makes an individual look better in the eyes of society. The fact that you share something should give you satisfaction.


An idea may be defined as anything that is easy to keep in your thoughts about your brand, thought or product, in order to make it stick to one's memory in the strongest way. When you notice or hear or think about the things that remind you, you have to think of the brand right away. The things that remind you are usually visual and noticeable.

They can be hidden in slogans, logos or mottos of companies or brand symbols as well. French music makes us buy French wine, breakfast makes you think about cereal. Just consider gazing upon the crocodile of Lacoste or at the red-soled shoes of Christian Louboutin to comprehend their fame and splendour. They become good memories of brands, spurring instant acknowledgement each time they are seen, when the pattern, tone or picture is noticed.‍


It is obvious that we estimate things and phenomena by the emotions they evoke. Pleasant emotions (happiness, joy, awe, interest, gratitude, etc.) tend to form a positive opinion, whereas disagreeable emotions (anger, sadness, envy, etc.) are more likely to influence the choice of making an evaluation negatively.

It means that our emotions actually affect our attitude to the things. Thus, aiming at making your product go viral, you should try to induce the most powerful emotions that enforce people to action. Examples of those active emotions are: laughter, joy, awe and anger. Any relationship is based on the emotional contact, so if you are angry, you are forced by your passion to share the reason to other people


Publicity in this situation deals with the item or thought that should be shown to individuals to distribute among them. The more times people see it, the greater probability that they will remember it and pass the information among their acquaintances. Using the huge web of Internet connections. Nonetheless, the procedure for spreading the word appears to be relatively intricate as one cannot compel people to decide whether or not to tell their acquaintances about it. This decision will be made by them independently.


Your real life stories and episodes are intimately interconnected with the third reason among the STEPPS - feelings. Communicate your stories and people will certainly focus on you. Imagine extensively - they will even retell your story! Communicating well about your company is a sure way to strengthen your emblem. On the other hand, developing a bad story is eroding your prestige.

What is the story about your company that you could tell customers about your products? Does it contain your main points? Does your tale reveal actual happenings or imaginary ones? My aim is to say that individuals don't particularly like promoting brands, but they do enjoy sharing stories. Stories regarding outstanding customer support team, or good or poor food and service experiences at restaurants. Will you heed the guidance of a friend who shares something wonderful they discovered? Certainly. Give people stories to recount and they will promote your brand.


The 6 STEPPS suggested by Jonah Berger are simple, aren’t they? However, there are still so many questions to be answered. The outcome of practicing them is quite unpredictable, but it is worth trying for sure. You can venture and measure the difference between your results before taking these STEPPS and your outcomes after using Berger’s tactics. After all, you can see them work even now, as you are reading this article.

An easy to remember catchy name, “STEPPS”, lead to a good deal of shares on social media and prominent newspapers, and engendered positive emotions. The book gained a worldwide audience, across multiple business sectors. And last but not least, it is a wonderful story of a professor who has achieved success. Why not try it then?

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Amelia H.

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