
Best Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling

Amelia H.
February 26, 2024
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Best Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling

What do 1990 and 2024 have in common? Surprisingly, it's the ongoing success of cold calls! Yes, this common method has stood the test of time. 

Yet, the real question is, is everyone still playing their A-game when it comes to cold calling? Unfortunately, not everyone is.

Cold calling remains a useful tool, but its effectiveness depends on how well it's performed. Are you looking to improve your cold-calling skills? If so, you're in the right place. 

In this article, you will get to know 10 of the best scripts for leaving voicemails when you're cold-calling people to generate leads. These scripts will help you say things in a way that makes the listener you're calling interested, understand what you're saying, and make them more likely to call you back.

10 Voicemail Messages That Get Results

If you can't talk directly to someone you're trying to sell to, don't worry—leaving a voicemail is a good idea.

A nice voicemail can make it more likely that the person will call you back and that you'll build a connection with them. In business sales, it's normal to leave voicemails because it usually takes a few calls to reach the person or know when to stop calling.

So, how do you leave a voicemail that makes people interested instead of annoyed? It’s simple, use a voicemail script. 

Here are 10 different scripts to help you make your cold calls more effective:

10 Voicemail Messages That Get Results

Voicemail Script Example 1: The Quick Introduction

You can give a quick introduction and share your important information without taking too much time. Here, you have to give a quick summary to get their attention. This helps make your voicemail short and sweet.

Here’s an example of a quick introduction:

Hey there, it's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I wanted to talk to you about something that could really help your business. Can you call me back at [Your Phone Number]? Thank you!

This quick voicemail is effective because it's short and straightforward. It makes the person curious and encourages them to call back if they want to know more about the offer.

Voicemail Script Example 2: The Helpful Message

With the help of this voicemail script, you become a solution provider. Instead of just talking about yourself, focus on how you can solve a problem or help the person you're calling. This approach aims to show that you're here to assist and make their life easier. 

By being a problem-solver, you're more likely to grab their attention and make them curious about what you have to offer. Here’s an example:

Hi there! It's [Your Name] calling from [Your Company]. I've been helping businesses with an issue like yours by offering a solution. I'd really like to chat about how we can do the same for you. Feel free to give me a call back at [Your Phone Number]. Thank you!

Voicemail Script Example 3: The Social Proof

This voicemail script is like showing off a bit of your good reputation. You share stories about happy customers or successful projects to prove to the people what you do. 

Consider saying, "Look, others love working with us, and you might too!" This can make the person you're calling feel more confident and interested in what you have to offer.

Hello, it's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. Lots of companies like yours, including [say a famous client or a company you know], have done really well using our [product/service]. I'd love to talk about how it could help your business too. Please call me back at [Your Phone Number]. Thank you!

Voicemail Script Example 4: Sparking Curiosity

In this script, you’ll learn how to leave a voicemail that makes people curious and interested in what you have to say. In this voicemail, you have to leave a message that makes them want to know more. Here’s an example:

Voicemail Script Example 4: Sparking CuriosityVoicemail Script Example 4: Sparking CuriosityVoicemail Script Example 4: Sparking Curiosity

Hello! It's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I've got some really cool facts about how [your product/service] has helped [specific industry measure]. I'd love to tell you more.Give me a call at [Your Phone Number].

Making people curious is a strong way to get them to call you back. People really like learning interesting facts, so it's a good trick to make them want to know more.

Voicemail Script Example 5: The Personal Touch

In this script, you have to add a personal touch to your voicemail. Instead of sounding like a robot, you make it feel like you're talking directly to the person. 

Consider leaving a friendly message that makes them feel important. Using this script can help you connect with people in a more personal way during your calls.

Hello [Recipient's Name], it's [Your Name] calling from [Your Company]. I saw something cool about your company [mention something specific or recent]. We have ways to help you do even better. Give me a call at [Your Phone Number] when you have a moment.

Voicemail Script Example 6: Making Things Urgent

Sometimes, you want to make your message sound urgent so that the person feels like they need to call you back right away. This can be useful in certain situations. 

In this voicemail script example, we'll show you how to create a sense of urgency in your message to grab their attention and get a quick response.

Hey there, it's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We've got a special offer just for a short time that can really help your business. Don't want you to miss it! Give me a call back at [Your Phone Number] real soon!

Voicemail Script Example 7: Questionnaire Approach

Instead of just talking about yourself, you ask the person you're calling some interesting questions. This makes your voicemail more engaging and might make them curious to call you back.

Using a questionnaire in your voicemail can be a cool way to start a conversation and make your calls more effective. So, let's check out an example of how to do it:

Hello, it's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. We're doing a quick survey for businessesin [industry]. We'd really like to hear what you think. Could you please call me back at[Your Phone Number]? It won't take long!

Voicemail Script Example 8: Adding a Funny Touch

In this voicemail, instead of being all serious, you add a bit of humor to catch their attention. Consider telling a quick, funny story or making a clever joke. This way, your message stands out, and the person you're calling might be more likely to remember you and call you back. 

Voicemail Script Example 8: Adding a Funny Touch

So, if you're ready to sprinkle some humor into your voicemails, this script example is just for you:

Hey, it's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. Guess what? I'm not a robot or an alien, just a regular human with a good sense of humor. I was thinking, if laughter is the best medicine, maybe it's the best business booster too! Let's chat about how we can add a dash of humor to your success. Give me a ring at [Your Phone Number]. Looking forward to bringing smiles to your business!

Voicemail Script Example 9: The Friendly Reminder

When you've already talked to someone and want to remind them about your previous conversation, this script can help. It's a friendly nudge to keep things on track. 

Using this script can make sure your message is clear and polite, encouraging the person to remember and respond to your earlier discussion. 

So, if you need to gently remind someone about what you talked about before, this voicemail script is here to help you do it in a nice and effective way.

Hi [Recipient's Name], it's [Your Name] calling from [Your Company]. I left you a message a few days back and just wanted to check in. I think we can really help your business. Please call me back at [Your Phone Number]. Thanks!

Voicemail Script Example 10: Gratitude Expresser

This script is all about showing appreciation. When you use it, you express thanks for the recipient's time and let them know you value them. It's a warm way to leave a message that might make the person on the other end more likely to call you back.

Hello, it's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I wanted to say thank you for your time. I know you're busy. If you have a moment, I'd like to talk about how we can help your business. Please give me a call at [Your Phone Number]. Appreciate it!

Dos and Don’ts of Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling

Here are some important things to know about leaving voicemail messages when you're making cold calls. It's also essential to follow these dos and don'ts for better results:


  • Be short and clear: Your voicemail should not be too long. Keep it straight to the point.
  • Make it personal: Talk about specific things related to the person or their business to show you did your homework.
  • Tell them what to do: Clearly say what you want them to do next, like calling you back or checking your website.
  • Make it interesting: Use interesting facts or statements to catch their attention.
  • Say thanks: Always thank them for their time and consideration.


  • Don't be pushy: People respond better when they don't feel pressured by a sales pitch.
  • Don't be unclear: Make sure your message is easy to understand and explains why you're calling.
  • Avoid using complicated words: Speak simply to make sure they understand your message.
  • Stay positive: Don't use negative or confrontational language.
  • Don't forget your contact info: Always leave a way for them to reach you, like your phone number, email, or website.
Dos and Don’ts of Voicemail Scripts for Cold Calling


When you're trying to call people you don't know, having the best voicemail scripts is the same as having a guidebook for success. These voicemail templates are a map that helps you navigate through the world of finding potential customers. 

Leaving voicemails is an art—you need to do it well and explain your sales pitch clearly. If you use these voicemail examples, you have a better chance of getting called back and turning possible customers into happy ones.

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Amelia H.

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