
10 Phrases to Never Use in Business Emails

Emma S.
August 11, 2023
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10 Phrases to Never Use in Business Emails

We believe that creating an electronic message is the most basic responsibility in an enterprise, but despite that, the amount of apparently minor faults we help make is just worrisome. Creating commercial electronic messages – any electronic message, come to that – is apparently not as straightforward and simple as we might like to think. One small mistake can quickly spiral issues southward. Good electronic message etiquette is a lot more important than you think.

Considering electronic mail is a written means of interacting, the people who read your writing are able to form numerous views regarding you based on your words. This is because they lack the benefit of getting to know you face to face, seeing your nonverbal communication, facial expressions, and the way you communicate.

This is why you have to be exceptionally cautious when providing an idea through an email in comparison to when presenting an idea face to face or over the phone.

The following consists of several outdated or unsuitable phrases that are commonly used in emails:

You've provided a valuable list of phrases to avoid using in business emails and offered alternatives for each. Here's a detailed breakdown of the points you've highlighted:

1. Don’t hesitate to contact me

   While the intention is to be accessible, the phrase can come across as insincere and unnecessary. Instead, you can use a more direct approach, such as 'Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.'

2. I think

   Using 'I think' can weaken your statement and convey uncertainty. It's better to present your message assertively without qualifiers like 'I think' or 'I guess'.

3. Sincerely yours

   This closing phrase can sound outdated and overly formal. Opt for a more modern and professional closing like 'Best regards' or 'Thank you for your time.'

4. 'I hope you’re well':

   This phrase can come across as a filler. If you want to start with a polite greeting, consider using 'Hello' followed by the recipient's name.

5. To be honest

   The phrase 'To be honest' implies that the rest of your communication may not be truthful. Simply provide your insights without the unnecessary qualifier.

6. 'That’s fine':

   'Fine' can be ambiguous and doesn't provide clear feedback. Be more specific in your response to convey your thoughts effectively.

7. 'Hey there':

   While it might seem friendly, 'Hey there' can be overly informal for business emails. Stick to 'Hello,' 'Hi,' or the recipient's name.

8. I don’t know

   Bluntly stating 'I don’t know' can convey unprofessionalism. Instead, express your commitment to finding the answer by saying, 'I'll research and provide you with the information.'

9. 'Will that be okay?':

   Seeking validation in this manner can appear unsure and unprofessional. Instead, ask for opinions more directly with phrases like 'Your thoughts on this would be appreciated.'

10. I am the [insert title] of this company

  Leading with your title can come across as arrogant. If necessary, mention your title in the email body, but avoid using it as an introduction.

Your insights provide valuable guidance for crafting professional and effective business emails. Clear and confident communication is key to leaving a positive impression on recipients.

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Emma S.

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