
LinkedIn Connection Message Templates That Generate Leads

Josh B.
August 16, 2023
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LinkedIn Connection Message Templates That Generate Leads

Developing contacts from LinkedIn starts with extending your group. And the essential to a larger group? Catchy, convincing LinkedIn affiliation communications that provide prospects with practically no alternative but to accept your affiliation invitation.

At Salesflow, we have developed 10 exceptional designs you can use in a range of situations to broaden your circle and get to more possible clients. This manual will take you through the most sensible techniques for delivering LinkedIn relationship solicitations, give you designs for every sort of connection you ask for, and show you a couple of concise ways to get more out of the stage using our LinkedIn robotization programming.

LinkedIn Connection Message Templates That Generate Leads

What Are LinkedIn Connection Messages?

Connection messages are small notes you can send to prospective members of your LinkedIn network, stating why they should accept your invitation.  

When you click ‘connect’ with an individual, you’ll receive a message asking if you want to send a note as well. 

What Are LinkedIn Connection Messages?

Click ‘add note’ and you’ll see the screen for including a LinkedIn connection message. 

What Are LinkedIn Connection Messages?

These messages have a limit of 300 characters, so you’ll have to keep your note to 2-3 sentences maximum. However, they’re a great way to build warm connections and show prospects you’ve actually taken the time to determine you’re reaching out for relevant reasons. 

If connection messages are too short, there are other ways of prospecting. Users with LinkedIn Sales Navigator accounts can also send LinkedIn InMails, and there are always Groups and Events campaigns. 

These LinkedIn connection request templates cover a variety of scenarios and can help you initiate meaningful connections with potential leads and contacts. Remember to personalize them according to the specific situation and individual you're reaching out to.

It's important to note that personalization and authenticity are key when using these templates. People are more likely to accept your connection request if they feel like you've taken the time to understand their background and interests.

Feel free to adapt these templates to suit your style and the context of your outreach:

1. Shared Industry:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},  

   I noticed our common background in {industry}. As a {your job title} at {your company}, I believe we share similar insights and experiences. I'd love to connect and exchange ideas.   

   Looking forward to connecting,

   {your name}

2. Met at a Networking Event:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},  

   It was a pleasure meeting you at {event}. Your insights on {topic} were truly captivating. Connecting here would allow me to stay updated on your work at {company}.  

   Best regards,

   {your name}

3. Recently Posted:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},   

   Your comment on {x person's} post caught my attention; it brought a fresh perspective to the discussion. Given my role as a digital marketer working with B2B businesses like {your company}, I'd love to connect and exchange thoughts.   

   Warm regards,

   {Your Name}

4. Share a Mutual Connection:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},   

   I noticed our shared connection with {x person}. Their excellent judgment in connections makes me keen to connect with you. I believe we could mutually benefit from networking.   


   {your name}

5. Fan of Their Work:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name}, 

   Your content has consistently impressed me, particularly your recent piece on {topic}. I even shared it with my network. Connecting would be a great way to stay informed about your work.

      Best regards,

   {your name}

6. Share a Group:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},  

   I noticed we're both part of the {group name} group, showing our common interest in {relevant topic}. Let's connect and discuss insights from our experiences, especially those from {your company}   


   {your name}

7. Attended the Same Event:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},   

   I saw that you attended {event}, and I'm curious about your thoughts on {topic/speaker}. It'd be great to discuss and share perspectives, especially given our similar work at {company}.



   {your name}

8. Industry Leader:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},   

   Your industry insights have been invaluable to me. I'm eager to stay updated with your latest thoughts on LinkedIn by connecting and engaging with your content. 

   Best regards,

   {your name}

Industry Leader

9. Alumni of the Same College:

   Hi {Prospect’s Name},   

   Finding another {college/university} alum is always exciting. I'm curious about your experiences since {time you were there}. Let's connect and discuss our journeys.   


   {your name}

10. Live in the Same Area:

    Hi {Prospect’s Name},

    It's great to see a fellow {area} resident on LinkedIn. How are you enjoying {local attraction, custom or weather}? I'd love to connect and learn more about the impactful work you're doing at {their company}.   

    Warm regards,

    {your name}

Should You Ever Send a Blank Connection Request? 

By and large, it tends to maximize your possibilities of endorsement by sending correspondence - and not only any correspondence, but one that has been seriously pondered over, similar to the models above.

Even though it is evident in which manner you happen to be familiar with somebody, for instance when you happen to be familiar with them in actual life, you will fortify your bond by sending a customized note.

An additional advantage of delivering a message is that, when the purchaser acknowledges your link request, it will automatically start a LinkedIn discussion with them. It heightens your obviousness and their chances of responding.

Yet, you will need to compare the time used to create messages versus the gains you notice in reactions and replies. One route to do this is by using a LinkedIn automation solution like Salesflow to accelerate the course of sending messages and track outcomes for distinctive campaigns. This will allow you to test and compare varying campaign strategies to see what gets your business the best outcomes.

Improving your acceptance rate for LinkedIn connection messages, even in situations where you have no obvious reason to connect, requires strategic efforts and a focus on building genuine connections. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Craft a Compelling Initial Message: In your connection request, clearly and succinctly convey why you want to connect. Even without shared connections or mutual interests, you can express your intention tolearn from others, exchange insights, or expand your professional network.

Should You Ever Send a Blank Connection Request? 

2. Be Respectful and Professional: Ensure your message is polite, professional, and free of grammatical errors. A well-written message reflects positively on you and increases the likelihood of a positive response.

3. Engage with Content: As mentioned in the article, engage with posts, comments, and discussions in your industry or area of interest. When potential connections see that you're active and contributing meaningfully, they may be more inclined to connect with you.

4. Optimize Your Profile: Your LinkedIn profile serves as a first impression. A relevant profile picture, banner image, and a well-crafted summary showcasing your skills, experience, and value proposition can intrigue potential connections. Highlight your achievements, projects, and passions to make your profile stand out.

5. Share Valuable Content: Share relevant and insightful content on your LinkedIn feed. By demonstrating your expertise and thought leadership, you can attract individuals who appreciate your insights and are more likely to connect.

6. Use Personalization:When sending connection requests, personalize each message based on the recipient's profile. Mention something specific from their profile that caught your attention or aligns with your interests. Personalization shows that you've taken the time to understand their background.

7. Avoid Generic Templates: While templates can provide a starting point, avoid using generic or overly sales-focused messages. Customize your message to reflect your genuine interest in connecting with the individual.

8. LinkedIn Automation (with Caution): Automation tools can help streamline your outreach, but use them carefully. Personalization is crucial, and over-automation can come across as spammy. If using automation, ensure that your messages are still tailored and relevant to the recipient.

9. Networking Events and Groups: Participate in virtual networking events and LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests. Engaging in discussions and contributing valuable insights can help you connect with like-minded professionals.

10. Follow Up: If someone accepts your connection request, send a follow-up message expressing your appreciation and interest in learning more about their work. This can kickstart meaningful conversations.

11. Build Relationships Gradually: Instead of immediately pitching your products or services, focus on building relationships. Take the time to understand your connections' needs and interests before introducing your offerings.

12. Give Before You Ask: Offer value before asking for anything. Share helpful resources, offer assistance, or introduce them to relevant contacts. This approach creates goodwill and increases the chances of a positive response.

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Josh B.

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