
Supercharge Your Sales With AI

Convert leads to clients using an advanced SDR AI Agent alongside a complete suite of tools built by sales teams, for sales teams.

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B2B Rocket - Revolutionize your B2B sales with AI | Product Hunt

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Engage 1,000s of high-quality leads every month 100% on autopilot

while outperforming humans by 6x and saving up to 90% on costs.......

Step 1: Customize Your AI Agent

Define target audience criteria: Specify the characteristics and preferences of your ideal customers.

Craft a compelling sales pitch: Create a persuasive message that highlights the unique value of your product or service.

Tailor the AI agent to your product/service and audience: Train the AI agent to understand and effectively communicate your offerings.

Step 2: Launch Your AI Agent into Action

Strategically identify potential clients: The AI agent systematically identifies and targets prospects who match your defined criteria.

Initiate conversations and assess interest: The AI agent engages in initial conversations, gauging prospects' interest and qualifying them as potential leads.

Qualify prospects: Using advanced AI algorithms, the agent evaluates prospects based on their responses, ensuring they meet your predefined criteria.

Step 3:  AI Agent Interacts with Thousands of Prospects

Intelligently communicate and respond: The AI agent employs natural language processing and machine learning to understand and provide intelligent responses to prospects' queries.

Maintain engagement and nurture interest: The AI agent keeps prospects engaged through personalized and relevant interactions, nurturing their interest in your product or service.

Build trust through personalized interactions: The AI agent establishes rapport and conveys professionalism, building trust with prospects through its conversations.

Step 4: AI Agent Conducts Chat Sessions and Sets Up Meetings

Autonomous chat sessions: The AI agent independently engages in chat sessions with prospects, utilizing its conversational abilities to understand their needs and provide relevant information.

Personalized meeting setup: Based on the prospect's interest and qualification, the AI agent takes the initiative to schedule a one-on-one meeting between the prospect and your team.

Efficient coordination: The AI agent handles the logistics of scheduling, ensuring optimal availability and avoiding any scheduling conflicts.

Trusted by
high performing teams

Max Giaco
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"Increased new revenue pipeline by $5M+ and discovered new global partnerships.. Amazing process.. will deploy more AI Agents in the future!"

Ramzi Saim
Chief Executive Officer
Primary Build

Rebecca Carlson
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“3 New Partners for mobile app development in our first year plus over $50K back in our budget annually from savings on BDRs, email servers, and tools we no longer need for data like ZoomInfo. Rock solid.”

Rao Nabeel

Director, Marketing

Robert M
We’ve discovered about 25,000 ideal leads in the software solutions industry in our first 5-months! Love the dashboard that shows who is engaging with what messaging and how easy it is to export and enrich existing data even in our CRM - AI Agents are the best thing to happen to prospecting in a long time.

Rahul Kather

Shri Genesis Software Solutions

Jessica G
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"B2B Rocket is a very intelligent use of AI to do what I was doing for Marketing outreach, but BETTER, less work, and a lot faster. If you're done with ineffective, time consuming approaches to reaching your target audience, give this a try for yourself. It's made me excited about running my business again."

Michelle LaBrosse

Cheetah Learning

Voted the #1 product of the day on Product Hunt with over 660+ business upvotes
B2B Rocket - Revolutionize your B2B sales with AI | Product Hunt

Case Studies

Discover the Success Stories: Unleash the Power of Real-World Results

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Healthcare Marketing Agency
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Organic Clicks
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Food First Search
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Primary Build
Read Case Study >>

Ready to skyrocket your sales process on autopilot?

Unlock your sales potential with our AI agents software.

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The results speak for themselves

Our cutting-edge technology revolutionizes your sales process by autonomously navigating the entire sales lifecycle, from lead identification to conversion. Effortlessly and efficiently, B2B Rocket drives your revenue skywards, harnessing the power of AI in the global marketplace.

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